May 30, 2008

No Owner, you're wrong . . . again

Honestly, I don't care about Sid, but when you see Owner being quoted you have to read. Am I happy I did.

On 3/19 Owner was quoted saying this:

"I don't like that so much," Taylor said Tuesday of the suggestion the Wolves tanked at the end of last season, which ended on a seven-game losing streak. "It was more like, I'd say, KG tanked it."

KG responded with this:

"I'm in Boston,'' Garnett said on TNT, holding up the Celtics logo on his jersey after Boston ended Houston's 22-game winning streak 94-74 Tuesday night. "I [couldn't] care less what Glen Taylor thinks of Kevin Garnett. .... That's nonsense. I don't even know why he'd bring that up, but it shows the taste of some people.''

OK, fast forward to today's column:

"Well, not quite like that. I'm just saying my intent is always to get a championship, but it doesn't bother me to watch these games," Taylor said. "I still consider Flip a friend and KG a friend. So, to me, I enjoy just the competition. But I'm not envious or anything like that -- I enjoy watching them. They're just both in different environments now, and I wish them well."

I am sure KG will call you first if he gets by DEtroit and Kobe, Owner. Actually, he will call McFail and thank him for the trade.

Did we mess up the draft, yet?

Don't forget to pick your "European" second rounder.

A. Mazing.

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